Selectum Benelux Fund

Manufacturer: Link Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) S.A.

Investment Policy

The Investment Manager anticipates that under normal market conditions the Sub-Fund will mainly invest in a broad mix of equities from issuers in Belgium and the Netherlands.

The Sub-Fund may also use financial derivative instruments for hedging and efficient portfolio management purposes.

NAV and performance (class I)

Last NAV (01-01-2024) € 33.01
Year-to-date 0.00%

Source NAV: Link Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) S.A.
The performances above are cumulative

2012 15.3%
2013 13.3%
2014 1.7%
2015 11.0%
2016 11.8%
2017 17.2%
2018 -18.1%
2019 37.4%
2020 9.5%
2021 37.0%
2022 -17.8%
2023 24.3%
since start* 0.0%

Source NAV: Link Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) S.A.
* Annualized actuarial return to date since launch of the sub-fund: 30-Sep-2011

All performance figures are calculated on the basis of the NAV (Net Asset Value) of the share class and include all ongoing charges of the fund, including management fees. Any possible entry- and exit charges, transaction costs and taxes for the investor are not included.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

Information about the sub-fund

Name of the fund Selectum Stock Picking Fund SICAV
Name of the sub-fund Selectum Benelux Fund
Management Company Link Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) S.A.
Local Financial Agent for Belgium Caceis Belgium, Havenlaan 86C b 320, B-1000 Brussels
Type of fund / legal form UCITS / SICAV
Applicable law and domicile Luxembourg
Launch date of sub-fund 30 September 2011
Duration Indefinite
Investment objective Maximum increase of value over the medium term (5-7 years)
Reference Currency Euro

Information about the share class

Share class Class I (Investor)
ISIN code LU0652589192
Currency Euro
Dividend policy No payment of dividends
Minimal investment No minimum
Investment management fee 1.00%
Performance fee None
Ongoing charges (total expense ratio) 1.42%
Anti-dilution fee 0.25% in favor of the sub-fund
The anti-dilution fee compensates the transaction costs for the purchase or sale of assets in the portfolio of the sub-fund resulting from the entry or exit.
Entry charges Maximum 1.25% (including 0.25% anti-dilution fee)
Exit charges Maximum 0.25% (including 0.25% anti-dilution fee)
Belgian transaction tax (TOB) 0% at the time of purchase by a resident of Belgium
1.32% at the time of sale by a resident of Belgium (max. 4000 euro)
Belgian savings tax Not applicable. The sub-fund does not invest more than 10% of its assets in debentures.
NAV publication, Bloomberg
Liquidity Daily at NAV


More information can be found in the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus. Non-professional clients need to read these documents before subscribing.

Key Information Document (KID) Selectum Benelux Fund Class I
Prospectus April 2022
Semi-Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023

Risk and reward profile

The value of an investment in the Sub-Fund can go up and down. When you sell your shares, the value could be lower than what you paid for them.

The risk/reward rating above is an estimate; it is not guaranteed. The rating is based on a theoretical calculation* as prescribed by the ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) on the basis of medium-term volatility (variations in the Sub-Fund’s share price over a recent period, generally several years). Going forward, the Sub-Fund’s actual volatility could be lower or higher, and its rated risk/reward level may be changed.

The rating does not reflect the possible effects of unusual market conditions or large unpredictable events, which could amplify everyday risks and could trigger other risks, such as:

Counterparty risk The Sub-Fund could lose money if an entity with which it does business becomes unwilling or unable to honor its commitments to the Sub-Fund.
Derivatives risk Certain derivatives could increase Sub-Fund volatility or expose the Sub-Fund to losses greater than the cost or the proceeds of the derivative.
Liquidity Risk Certain securities could become difficult to sell at a desired time and price.
Management Risk Portfolio management techniques that have worked well in normal market conditions could prove ineffective or detrimental during unusual conditions.

* This calculation method does not necessarily reflect the opinion and/or expectactions of Selectum.

Complaints procedure

A complaint needs to be filed in writing to the registered office of the company, Selectum Vermogensbeheer, Venusstraat 17 bus 9, 2000 Antwerpen, for the attention of the Compliance Officer. The website of Selectum contains a full description of the procedure for handling complaints.

The local financial agent for Belgium is Caceis Belgium. A complaint needs to be filed in writing to Havenlaan 86C, 1000 Brussels, for the attention of the Compliance Officer.

A consumer who is not satisfied with answer received from the internal complaints procedure, can file a complaint with the Ombudsman for financial conflicts.  The contact  data of Ombudsfin are: Belliardstraat 15-17 bus 8, 1040 Brussel, According to Article 1 of the Procedural Rules, Ombudsfin is qualified to settle out-of-court disputes between a consumer and a financial insitution affiliated to Ombudsfin. Caceis Belgium is affiliated to the Ombudsman. Selectum Vermogensbeheer is not affiliated to the Ombudsman.